
Lenika's team is really very small and consists of Helen and some great girls who have to do an internship during their studies. Some months there are four of us and then there are phases when I manage the whole thing alone.

As a working mom, in addition to spending time with my family, I am particularly interested in the world outside. I long for a positive world, one in which lasting peace, respectful interaction with one another, honesty and loyalty play a major role. Where people are for each other and not against each other. In small and large ways.

Lenika should be a place for all girls - so that we can become the biggest girl gang in the world.

Doing good as much as we can - in addition to voluntary work (diaconia, school accompaniment, old people's home, animal shelter service or food distribution), I would like to pass on 5% of the proceeds to projects that support things that reflect our philosophy of life. Projects for peace, for a world in which girls feel comfortable and in which no one has to be afraid of being bullied. Our project partners are listed here.

Here's to you - to us - to the biggest girl gang in the world!

Helen nonsense

When I was in my early 20s, I founded my first company, the online shop "null311". At that time, we sold restored design classics and at the same time founded our first small advertising agency, “Hafenwerkraum”.

From 2006 onwards I devoted myself to other projects. As an entrepreneur, I helped build various companies. Among others, VEGANZ in the role of managing partner and SEVEN SWANS in Frankfurt as operations manager.

After I built the Demarés brand with my mom, I began my journey as a management consultant for medium-sized companies. I loved this time very much. However, after 4 years I missed leading my own projects and teams and returned to my roots. I founded the sweet baby Lenika with my friend Annika in mid-2022. Unfortunately, Annika left in 2023 for personal reasons. At the same time, I took over my mom's company completely at the end of 2022.

I am a mother of 3 children myself and am extremely grateful for everything that makes this world so worth living in. I never get bored!

I try to enjoy life every single day and become an even better person every day.

I'm excited about everything that's to come!

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